Next Step

If you want to serve, get baptized, join a Community Group, or become a member, Next Step is for you!

Next Step is a multi-week journey through what it means to be a part of our CA Church family. We believe that it is God’s heart and design for every person to be connected into the life of a local church. At CA Church, that is what Next Step is for!

Upcoming Sessions


Baptism is an outward expression of an inward reality. Through baptism, you are publicly declaring that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour, and you want to follow him for all your days. The action of baptism signifies that a believer is choosing to die to themselves and their old way of life; you are being buried with Christ and raised to new life!

Register for baptism


We love because God first loved us, and we serve because Jesus served. By serving with us you can be a part of what God in and through CA Church. Whether you’re serving coffee, helping in the parking lot, being a youth leader, or teaching kids lessons, we could not do what we do without you—and we don’t want to!


Membership is about commitment and participation. By becoming a member of CA Church you are saying that this is your home and that you are committed to not just be an attender but to actively engage with the life of the church. In membership, you are happily declaring that the church can count on you to help fulfill the ministry God has called us to complete.

Community Groups

You are not meant to do life alone! At CA Church, Community Groups exist to grow friendships, foster deep community, and to continually encourage and support one another to live with and like Jesus, together. We meet in homes throughout the week to engage with Scripture, pray for one another, share the love of God in practical ways, and have fun!

Join a Community Group