Our Global Partners in Zimbabwe

Our Global Partners in Zimbabwe

Villages of Hope

CA Church has partnered with Villages of Hope Africa (VOH) for many years. VOH is an organization bringing hope to children in need throughout 5 countries in Africa by providing education, nutrition, shelter and healthcare. Their mission is to bring lasting hope to orphans and vulnerable children by providing them, and their families, with holistic and loving care so they can embrace adulthood as contributing members of society. CA Church partners specifically with VOH Zimbabwe & Burundi.

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio

Sergio and Nancy are the directors of Villages of Hope (VOH) – Africa. Sergio and Nancy moved to Kitwe, Zambia, in April 1999, where the first VOH was established. Today their main responsibilities include providing training, support and leadership to each VOH location and ensuring that best practices are being followed so that all of the children are receiving quality care. Working very closely with national leadership, the Bersaglios focus on developing strong Christian leaders at each VOH location to ensure that the ministry is sustainable and well managed and that all children are loved and cared for.

Their prayer requests are:

  • Pray for wisdom for the directors of Villages of Hope, Sergio & Nancy as they oversee staff and navigate the care and discipleship of 1700 children.

  • Pray for the children at VOH to continue to grow in grace and knowledge. Pray that the fruit of VOH’s teaching and loving would be seen and felt in their lives.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to each child’s heart and that they would know of their value and worth in Christ.

  • Pray for each child’s future; that the education and skills they have received in school will help them become contributing members of society.

Pastor Zowa

Pastor Zowa and his family provide spiritual leadership to the children from VOH Zimbabwe. Pastor Zowa also pastors churches in neighbouring regions that offer resources, such as feeding programs, to those in need from the community.

His prayer requests are:

  • Pray for God to use Pastor Zowa and his family to effectively reach the people in the Star Community.

  • Pray that Pastor Zowa would be confident in God’s word and filled with the Holy Spirit.

  • Pray against any attacks of the enemy and for victory in spiritual warfare; God’s protection.

  • Pray that God would open the hearts of the people around her to hear the gospel and receive truth.

  • Pray that the Lord would use Pastor Zowa and his family to remind each child at VOH of their immeasurable with in Christ.


Mission of the Month: May


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